The NFL and player concussions

23 12 2010

What I love about writing a sports blog for is that it allows me to vent about relevant health issues. There are many sharp opinions on concussions, and in particular how athletes should be treated after sustaining one. So, I’ve spent my last three posts celebrating New Jersey’s decision to monitor concussions in their student-athletes while chastising the Indy Colts for how they treated Austin Collie after his concussion last weekend. The posts run 350-400 words apiece, so they’re concise and won’t take much time for you to read.

Unfortunately, I’m on a different computer and can’t link to the files. If you click on the tab above, then scroll down to Sports Stack blog and click on the first three links underneath that headline, you can read what I’ve written. New Jersey > Austin Collie > NFL injury treatment is in chronological order.